Quote of the Week

"There are things that drift away, like our endless numbered days"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Time Off...

So I'm back at school. Unfortunately I don't have my laptop (rupert) with me because well mirco-center fucked up and haven't been able to send it back to me. Make a long story short I split some soda on the keyboard so I'm haven't it fixed but it wont be ready for another week:( I don't know what I'm gonna do. Maybe this will give me some time to actually focus on me and not the distractions of technology and facebook and all the crap. But I do miss. SOOO make another long story short I can't give much updates for a while...if anyone reading the shit that I put on this...which I highly doubt. Whatever, I still try=) Well until next time!

P.s. pats and jets are playing....GO PATS!

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